Friday, October 01, 2004

Can someone help me to understand?

"How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?" - John Kerry

Jim Lehrer asked Kerry, "are Americans now dying in Iraq for a mistake?"

Kerry said "No, and they don't have to"

If Iraq was a mistake - after all, if it is the "wrong war at the wrong time at the wrong place", and if something is wrong then it is not right, and if we did something that is not right, then by definition what we did was wrong, and if we did not deliberately do something wrong then we made a mistake - the Lehrer's question is dead on. Kerry contradicts himself again.

When Kerry flip-flopped again, a pang of fear rushed over me. It smacks of Lyndon Johnson declaring that he would not be the first American President to lose a war.

Looks like Kerry not only wants to fight the Vietnam war all over again with language, but wants to do it with solders and marines in Iraq...