Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Hey Peter - do you really think corporations pay taxes?

"The fact that over 30 years, 90% have received no increase in their income. When adjusted to inflation, in spite of the greatest growth in the economy ever in the history of the United States, they will not mention that corporations are no longer paying their taxes, estimated to be as high as $300 billion per year." - Peter Miguel Camejo, VP Candidate with Nader... I have no idea what party exactly they represent.
Hey Peter - do you really think corporations pay taxes?
Are you really that dense or is it just a show to motivate ignorant people? Corporations NEVER pay taxes. If you hand them a tax bill those costs are passed on to the consumers - you and me - and we pay them. Stop the class warfare. It keeps people ignorant and angry which is not healthy nor helpful to a legitimate debate of the matters of the state.
Corporations are not the boogie men you paint them to be. They provide jobs, goods, and services that make America work. Raising taxes on corporations is tantamount to raising taxes on the consumer. Or, if not look at the job losses. The corporations will always make money, one way or another.
Tell me where I am wrong...