Thursday, July 14, 2005

LA Times gets it wrong again...

I am amazed at the number of staff idiots that can be contained in one place - the LA Times. In a story that ran today about the unfortunate shooting of Suzie Marie Peña, the little girl that was used as a human shield BY HER FATHER!

Listen to this crap from the LA Times:

"But many questions about the circumstances of the shooting are still unanswered, including the identity and position of the shooter who fatally hit Suzie and how the child came to be in the line of fire."

And how the child came to be in the line of fire? You must be kidding me. How could anyone ask this question? The child was in the line of fire because the child's father put her there!

What kind of an idiot must you be to ask that question? Unreal!

It is a shame that the child was killed, but the guilt of it falls fully on the nut-job father that was trying to kill police and his teenaged step-daughter.

I salute the LAPD and the good work they do. My heart goes out to this police officer and the guilt that he will feel over this unfortunate killing, though he is not to blame. The father is to blame - not the LAPD.

By the way, the word is that the family is going to sue the LAPD, because after all, nobody is responsible for there own actions, especially if you are a liberal.


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