Friday, July 01, 2005

O'Connor to resign - Thanks John!

So Justice O'Connor is stepping down - finally. I am glad to hear it. She has been a shining example of utter misjudgment of law derived from an inconsistent and polluted worldview if ever I have seen it.

I say good day Madam Justice - adieu.

Of course since McCain and the six
simpletons that joined him in his perfidy have sold us down the river, we will have a very hard time getting anyone that understands even the most simplistic rules of jurisprudence or the traditional meaning of basic words.

Good job again to McCain and the Six Simpletons.

In case you forgot who they are, they are:

  1. John McCain, Arizona
  2. John Warner, Virginia
  3. Olympia Snowe, Maine
  4. Mike DeWine, Ohio
  5. Susan Collins, Maine
  6. Lindsey Graham, South Carolina
  7. Lincoln Chafee, Rhode Island


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