Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Reuters - Americans' Support for Iraq War Slipping


A majority of Americans now say the war in Iraq was not worth fighting, a view that has driven down the ratings of President Bush and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, according to an ABC News/Washington Post poll released on Monday.

I know. I know. The sky is falling - the sky is falling! (They must not have known that Bush was reelected by over 3 million votes)

What do you stand for?

"I brought bodybuilding from nothing, I made the action film a genre, and the same goes for politics -- I want to do things that no one believed possible - I would like to bring people together as governor." - Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger

Question Arnold - What are you willing to trade away to bring people together? What principles will you sell to bring light and darkness together? These are opposes and cannot mix.

What do you stand for Arnold? Gay rights? Environmental absurdity? Abortion so you can have your precious stem cell research? A hope for your disease free existence - immortality at the cost of the most innocent of human life? What do you stand for?
I am amazed that anyone on the left or right takes you serious. The danger in not standing for anything is that you will stand for nothing since you have no foundation to stand on. I am amazed that anyone takes you serious.

Arnold has missed it...

On Saturday Governor Schwarzenegger told a German newspaper that he believes the GOP should move "a little further left" in order to attract new voters and to continue to build the Republican Party base.

What is this guy saying? Bush won reelection by over 3 million votes. We have a Republican Governors, Congressmen, Senators, and the Presidency like never before.

Arnold, your missing it man... we don't need to move anywhere. We are winning where we are - why change a winning system?

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Mom Beating Child - whats the problem?


As a father of daughters I am always amazed to see or hear stories of girls going to fisticuffs with other girls. We title such behavior as shameful. Now we have a mom attacking a child. Repugnant. What a perversion of behavior is this! What could possibly come next? Could it be that all that is left is a mom "choosing" to kill her baby?

The "mom" in this story, Rita Gooden, faces simple battery which could send her to jail for up to one year.

A mom beating a child - whats the problem? We have murdered over 30 million babies in this country alone by way of abortion - and we cellebrate it!

I know. I know. A mom has the right to murder her baby, provided it is unborn. "Right" is an interesting word. So lets take a look at it:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness -
Declaration of Independence, incase you didn't know.

The language can be understood simply: Creator endowed man with Rights

Therefore, rights come from the creator.

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed
- Again, The Declaration of Independence, incase you didn't know.

The language can be understood simply: For this to happen, the people make governments to provide for these rights that we have from the creator - God, for those on the left side of the aisle - and that governments can rule because the people to be governed say it is ok - that's why we vote

What all this means is that the rights we are given are the gift of God, and must needs be in line with the nature of the creator. If the creator endowed us with life, then who are we to take it away? That is why we punish the taking of life so severely - it is the gift of God.
It really is not that difficult to understand.

Terry McAuliffe has made the Democratic Party "stronger"?

The Democratic National Committee said the leadership of DNC Chairman Terry McAuliffe has made the Democratic Party "stronger than it has ever been before" - Ha! Since February 2001, when McAuliffe's began his watch, the Dems have lost senate and house seats as well as the presidency. He can raise money, but he cannot win. If you cannot win, you are by definition a looser.

It is no wonder that the dems think their party is stronger than ever - they are the party that celebrates the screw-up's and losers. Just like Jimmy Carter, the great hero of the modern democrat, Terry is clearly worthy of being celebrated - after all, he hasn't been successful at anything, nor has he won anything...