Tuesday, July 26, 2005

No Soda for Highschoolers...

I really don't like liberals. I don't care if they are Republican, Democrat, or otherwise. There absolutely inconsistent view on life is very frustrating to me.

So now we have Governor Schwarzenegger (R & D-CA) fixing obesity amongst our children. He has decided that it is a bad idea to let a group of lazy, Internet surfin', video game playing, cell phone chatting slackers have a soda since it could lead to them being fat. Yup - and this from a so-called republican folks. I don't understand you people in California.

Maybe you should make them exercise and get off there rumps - it is amazing how much that can help. I know - you could tie them to a large grain mill like in your movie, "Conan the Barbarian", then have them crush grain for years on end, and about the time they are 20-21, they will be ready to go for the Mr. O...

If you want to make a difference Governator, try banning technology and lazy parents - that will get the kids out and about as it was not so long ago - when the fat kid was the anomaly...

Monday, July 25, 2005

Calling the “Good Muslims” - It is time to act like men

After the bombing in Egypt on Saturday, it is beginning to look like these terrorists aren’t getting it. The only advantage to terrorism is the paralyzing effect it has on the general population. It would appear that this is wearing off. Look at the people of London. Even people on holiday Saturday aren’t giving in – and there 64 people have been killed.

Even Mark Landler has come to this conclusion. Writing in the NY Times he says, “with a drumbeat of attacks in London, Madrid, Bali, Istanbul and New York, people here suggested that yet another act of terror - as tragic as it was - had lost some of its power to inspire dread.” So obvious even the Times can get this right…

The fact of the matter is folks that we should be safer now than we have been in the past - we know who the enemy is, though nobody wants to talk about it. It may not be politically correct to say, but the problem is Islam.

Here me out - We know it is not all Muslims that are the problem. That is a given. Not all Christians killed Jews in Europe on there way to attack Muslims in the name of the Pope during the crusades. It was not the people of Russia that were the problem, it was the communist government. After all, not all apples in the bunch are bad. But there is one fundamental difference – when you look at the apple you can tell if it’s bad – not so with people. The people of Russia finally stood up and demanded a new government, and they got it, and this is what must happen with Islam.

We need the “Good Muslims” to stand up and point these people out. If they are in Mosque and messages of murder are being spouted, then this needs to be publicized. You can no longer turn a blind eye to what is going on around you. It is time to act like men.

This is a situation where the old maxim, “to take no action is an action” applies. If you will not point these people out then we must conclude that you approve of them and what they do. That makes you complicit in there crimes. In this country we have the right of association, but that does not allow you to be complicit in murder.

It is time to act like men...

AFL-CIO not doing so well - even by there standards...

Looks like the Teamsters and Service Employees International Union are quitting the coalition of the lazy. That means the AFL-CIO will lose another 3 million people. That breaks my heart let me tell you.

"Democrats, a traditional ally of organized labor, are especially worried that a schism might hurt their party's chances by making labor a less potent political force." Ha - you must be kidding me? The democrats will look at this as another cause of there losing elections which is fine by me, even if that is not the case - the dems are losing because (collectively) they have no ideas worth supporting.

Either way, it was fun why it lasted...

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Supreme Court nominee - will he be good for business?

You have got to be kidding me? This is the buzz amongst many of the financial punditry.

Are we that defunct as a nation? Does anyone understand the constitution these days? After reading and listening to many on the left and amazingly on the right, I must come to the conclusion that the answer is no.

Listen to this from Daniel Fisher writing for Forbes this morning:

"As corporate lawyers have learned to their chagrin under the generally conservative Rehnquist court, the justices farthest to the right--Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas --have refused to come to the aid of business if they can't find explicit authority in the Constitution."
from, http://www.forbes.com/home/business/2005/07/19/scotus-roberts-nominee-cz_df_0719court.html

Really? They didn't come to the aid of business? Since when are they supposed to? I thought they were duty bound to look at the constitution and go from there. If you want limitations "such as the 1996 decision limiting $2 million in punitive damages against BMW for selling a car with chipped paint" then you need to petition your congressman to limit it, NOT THE COURT!

I don't understand how educated people can make these outrageous statements. Works like this Mr. Fisher, the job of the court is to rule on law, not make law. That is the job of congress. Most any 7th grade civics class student should be able to tell you that - unless they went to public school, in which case they probably can't read well enough to even take issue with your article.

Scalia and Thomas were right in their ruling – they do not have the constitutional authority to speak on the BMW law suite. Unfortunately the congress is too cowardly to cap these idiot law suites. The problem is with congress, and with activist judges that let the congress sit on there hands and do nothing. As long as the courts continue on this route, and I am talking about leftwing and rightwing activists, “We The People” will have no voice.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

LA Times gets it wrong again...

I am amazed at the number of staff idiots that can be contained in one place - the LA Times. In a story that ran today about the unfortunate shooting of Suzie Marie Peña, the little girl that was used as a human shield BY HER FATHER!

Listen to this crap from the LA Times:

"But many questions about the circumstances of the shooting are still unanswered, including the identity and position of the shooter who fatally hit Suzie and how the child came to be in the line of fire."

And how the child came to be in the line of fire? You must be kidding me. How could anyone ask this question? The child was in the line of fire because the child's father put her there!

What kind of an idiot must you be to ask that question? Unreal!

It is a shame that the child was killed, but the guilt of it falls fully on the nut-job father that was trying to kill police and his teenaged step-daughter.

I salute the LAPD and the good work they do. My heart goes out to this police officer and the guilt that he will feel over this unfortunate killing, though he is not to blame. The father is to blame - not the LAPD.

By the way, the word is that the family is going to sue the LAPD, because after all, nobody is responsible for there own actions, especially if you are a liberal.

Monday, July 11, 2005

More doom from the Times - figures...

I was optimistic about the NY Times article that ran today titled, "Part-Time Forces on Active Duty Decline Steeply."

It started off as a nice article about how the reserve and national guard troops are coming home, and how that is so wonderful for families, employers, etc.

Then, in classic Times fashion, never to let good news win the day, they have the proverbial "but", pointing out that the "Army is running perilously low on its Reserve and National Guard soldiers."

Can you hear it? Sounds like "Augh! We are going to die!"

See the problem is that the Times will not allow any news that looks good for the Bush Administration or the Military to be cast in positive light. They must find the problem and focus on that.

They say, "To fill the pivotal support jobs for deployments to Iraq, Army and Pentagon planners are increasingly turning to the Navy and Air Force to provide truck drivers and security personnel."

Can't you hear the sniveling tone in this: "Oh no! See, Iraq isn't any better - its worse! Now we have to get the Navy and Air Force involved. See, o'sneeky Bush is at it again. Trying to make it look like troop reductions when he is really just shifting it around. See."

Yes Times - we see. We see that you cannot even report on good news without trying to make it into a doom and gloom. It is tragic really.

Wasting Time

Did anyone see the new AOL & Salary.com survey on wasted time at work? It would have been interesting to see how much time these same respondents believe is wasted in useless meetings - now that would be an interesting survey...

I figure I lose 300 hours a year in meetings that never should have taken place...

Bosnian grief & Western (European) regret - Thank God for the United States!

I am confused. This Reuters story, authored by Daria Sito-Sucic and Maja Zuvela gets me thinking about the utter and complete failure of these world bodies.

They wrote, "Families grieved over the skeletal remains of Srebrenica victims on Monday at the 10th anniversary of the massacre, as the West acknowledged its failure to prevent Europe's worst atrocity in 50 years.

"The victims had put their trust in international protection. But we, the international community, let them down," said a message from European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana. "This was a colossal, collective and shameful failure."

Well how now! These same people that now, with hind-sight lament not taking action in Bosnia are the same people that didn't take action in Rawanda, the Sudan, and Iraq.

These are the same people that protest us being in Iraq. The absolute idiocy of the left is mind boggling. Why would anyone ever listen to these people? They are a bunch of hand wringers and are completely useless.

It is tragic that the European socialists are in power. They enslave people, then cry about them being slaves. They bind underprivileged people up with chains, then rail against the US for trying to remove the chains. They are hypocrites, and quite plainly I say that the socialist is a coward and completely inept.

The United States has saved your useless butts on several occasions, and now the Brits are asking us for help on how to deal with the investigations into the London bombings.

Thank God for the United States of America!

Some drunks get fired, but not Teddy

State says fire official drank on job - A supervisor in the state fire marshal's office regularly drank on the job, drove his state car to a bar, and in 2002 even crashed that car, with a police officer testifying that he smelled of booze after the wreck, state lawyers say.

So what? Ted Kennedy kills a woman by driving off a bridge, is a well known philanderer, routinely gives aid and comfort as a mouthpiece of our enemies and he still has a job a slight bit more important than some fire official.

Kennedy is the great hero of drunks and womanisers worldwide, not to mention the great red nosed idol of the loony left.

What am I missing here?

Other alternatives - why risk it?

From Reuters: "The Church has always been opposed to the advances of science, but fortunately science has continued progressing. And thanks to that we live in better conditions," she said.

Now I am not Roman Catholic by any stretch of the imagination, but I think she is missing the point. When we develop new technology we hope to make everyone’s life better. The problem with this technology is not what it might offer, but rather what we might be doing while we develop it.

We argue that embryo's are not life, when we only have come to that decision out of limited knowledge. What if we are wrong? What if that embryo is true human life? I am speaking ontologically, not biologically here. There was a time that the greatest scientists in the world maintained that the earth was flat. That was not the fault of the Roman Church – after all, that was the position of the Greeks, long before Rome.

It maybe that an embryo is not "living" in the sense that it has "being", but I think we should go very gingerly down this road if at all. As it is said, "just because you can doesn't mean you should."

We have other alternatives to get stem cells for research – why do we have to risk it?

Friday, July 08, 2005

Europe vs. US

Anyone see the Reuters article on July 7th titled, "EU seeks pan-European license for on line
music use?"

It is amazing - even socialists know in there heart of hearts that over regulation kills competition. They want to compete with the US in the on-line music industry. I say good luck.

Europe vs. US in a game of capitalism - you must be kidding me. It's not that I think the US doesn't have room for improvement - it does - but for a coalition of socialists to come along and want to compete against us is interesting at best.

I wonder if they can get Kennedy and Company to pass some legislation to cripple US companies that might make it easier for Europe to get caught up... One never knows...

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Another nut...

From Reuters - Astrologist sues NASA over comet crash (Tue Jul 5, 2005 09:42 AM ET)

MOSCOW (Reuters) - A Russian astrologist who says NASA has altered her horoscope by crashing a spacecraft into a comet is suing the U.S. space agency for damages of $300 million, local media reported Monday.

NASA deliberately crashed its probe, named Deep Impact, into the Tempel 1 comet to unleash a spray of material formed billions of years ago which scientists hope will shed new light on the composition of the solar system.

"It is obvious that elements of the comet's orbit, and correspondingly the ephemeris, will change after the explosion, which interferes with my astrology work and distorts my horoscope," Izvestia daily quoted astrologist Marina Bai as saying in legal documents submitted before Monday's collision.

A spokeswoman for a Moscow district court said initial preparations for the case were underway but could not say when the hearing would begin. NASA representatives in Moscow were unavailable for comment.

Why didn't I think of this? I wonder if she can get former senator John Edwards to take the case. Maybe he could channel the spirit of the comet to tug at the heart strings of the jury...

Sunday, July 03, 2005

NYT - more garbage

Did anyone see this from the NY Times today? Oh - sorry. Forgot. Nobody reads the times anymore. Well, if by some accident you should come across the times, be sure to check out the following - I love this headline and teaser:

Increase in the Number of Documents Classified by the Government
Meanwhile, the declassification process, which made millions of historical documents available annually in the 1990's, has slowed to a relative crawl.

Analysis: Bush is bad - Clinton was good.

Translation: We hate Bush. He is a Jerk. See, he hides everything. We should impeach him.

Then they wonder why their circulation is down the drain. Keep up the good work boys…

Friday, July 01, 2005

O'Connor to resign - Thanks John!

So Justice O'Connor is stepping down - finally. I am glad to hear it. She has been a shining example of utter misjudgment of law derived from an inconsistent and polluted worldview if ever I have seen it.

I say good day Madam Justice - adieu.

Of course since McCain and the six
simpletons that joined him in his perfidy have sold us down the river, we will have a very hard time getting anyone that understands even the most simplistic rules of jurisprudence or the traditional meaning of basic words.

Good job again to McCain and the Six Simpletons.

In case you forgot who they are, they are:

  1. John McCain, Arizona
  2. John Warner, Virginia
  3. Olympia Snowe, Maine
  4. Mike DeWine, Ohio
  5. Susan Collins, Maine
  6. Lindsey Graham, South Carolina
  7. Lincoln Chafee, Rhode Island